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Moitshepi Confidential Advisers

Confidential advisors, policy and advice on undesirable behavior & Integrity

Moitshepi Confidants

Confidential advisors, policy and advice on undesirable behavior & Integrity

Confidential advisor transgressive behavior

A confidential adviser is there to support you if you are dealing with inappropriate behavior in the workplace. There are different forms of unwanted behaviour. Think of bullying, discrimination and racism or (sexual) harassment and aggression. A safe and harmonious working climate is important for every employee and as an employer you are obliged to protect employees against psychosocial workload. A confidential adviser is there to assist YOU and only you. Someone to whom you can talk to in confidence. The confidential advisor stands beside you to support you, but you remain in control and together we determine the course towards an effective solution.
Larger companies and organizations often have an internal confidential adviser. You can also opt for an external confidential adviser. The advantage is that an external advisor is completely independent. For many this feels much safer to report transgressive behavior.

Confidential advisor integrity

Doing the right thing for all parties involved, even when no one is looking. That is what we usually mean when we talk about integrity. Sounds very nice, but we all know that reality is often a little different…
Unfortunately integrity violations such as theft, corruption, fraud or conflicts of interest can occur within any organization. If you are confronted with an integrity violation, it is important that you can report it in a safe maner. The Whistleblower Protection Act states that there must be a safe place where employees can report integrity violations in confidence. This role can be fulfilled by a confidential integrity adviser.

Confidential advisor transgressive behavior

A confidential adviser is there to support you if you are dealing with inappropriate behavior in the workplace. A safe and harmonious working climate is important for every employee and as an employer you are obliged to protect employees against psychosocial workload. The confidential advisor stands beside you to support you, but you remain in control and together we determine the course towards an effective solution.
Larger companies and organizations often have an internal confidential adviser. You can also opt for an external confidential adviser. The advantage is that an external advisor is completely independent. For many this feels much safer to report transgressive behavior.

Confidential advisor integrity

Doing the right thing for all parties involved, even when no one is looking. That is what we usually mean when we talk about integrity. Sounds very nice, but we all know that reality is often a little different…
Unfortunately integrity violations such as theft, corruption, fraud or conflicts of interest can occur within any organization. If you are confronted with an integrity violation, it is important that you can report it in a safe maner. The Whistleblower Protection Act states that there must be a safe place where employees can report integrity violations in confidence. This role can be fulfilled by a confidential integrity adviser.

Moitshepi your reliable partner in confidential work

Confidential advisor

An external confidential adviser is independent and operates outside of the organisation. Having an external confidential advisor can be a good way to promote social safety and it offers employees a safe space to report misconduct.
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Advice & policy

Effective policy on transgressive behaviour is an important step towards a safe and harmonious workplace. Moitshepi can support your organisation to create effective policy on transgressive behavior and advice on enforcing it
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Complaints Committee

A complaints committee is there to investigate submitted formal complaints and to test whether or not there is admissibility for the submitted formal complaint. We can help to form the committee and investigate the complaint.
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If your organization has several (internal) confidential advisers, good coordination and case management is important. We are independent and offer a structured overview and support for challenging cases.
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Sometimes it is difficult to come to a mutual benificial agreement, a mediator can help to get a conversation started. We are independent and are experienced in conflict resolution.
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Dialogue session

What kind of work culture do you want to propagate as an organization? Guided dialogue sessions are aimed at improving harmony by alking and sharing perspedtives. Often this yields valuable insights.
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Why you should consider appointing an external confidant of Moitshepi

  • An external confidential adviser is independent and neutral and is therefore free of the various interests that may play a role in the organisation. This has the advantage that the external confidential adviser can objectively look at a situation beyond the emotions of those involved, but also that an external confidential adviser is often perceived as safer by employees to report inappropriate behavior or integrity violations precisely because there is no connection with the organization.
  • We can provide support in various ways in achieving a safer working environment, one of which is by advising, creating and implementing effective policies regarding undesirable behavior and integrity. Another way we can offer support is through interactive workshops and dialogue sessions.
  • We have a lot of experience with the different aspects of the humanity and are therefore very socially and communicatively skilled. We respect every person and have immersed ourselves in the different cultures, traditions and norms & values. The reporter of unwanted behavior often feels supported if they are not only listened to but especially if they feel heard and seen as well.
  •  A confidant can offer support to work towards a resolution and prevent further problems.  Often times adressing challenges head on can prevent escalation. As long as we keep talking to each other  we can work on a solution and perhaps avoid losing each other completely.
  • Due to our personal experiences with transgressive behavior such as racism and bullying, we are empathic and good listeners. We offer support and bring peace and clarity to difficult situations.
  • An external confidential adviser is independent and neutral and is therefore free of the various interests that may play a role in the organisation. 
  • We can provide support by advising, creating and implementing effective policies regarding undesirable behavior and integrity.
  • We have a lot of experience with the different aspects of the humanity and are therefore very socially and communicatively skilled. We respect every person and have immersed ourselves in the different cultures, traditions and norms & values.
  • Prevention is key and a confidant can offer support to work towards a resolution and prevent further problems.
  • Due to our personal experiences with transgressive behavior such as racism and bullying, we are empathic and good listeners. We offer support and bring peace and clarity to difficult situations.

Thabo your confidential advisor | Moitshepi

Let me introduce myself, my name is Thabo Hollander, born in Lesotho (South Africa) At a young age I was adopted by Dutch parents and I grew up in The Netherlands. I would like to tell you a little more about myself and about Moitshepi’s confidence work. The name Moitshepi comes from the Basotho tribe, the indigenous people of Lesotho. In that tradition it is customary that when someone is dealing with a difficult situation you can turn to a confidant of the tribe. That person is called a Moitshepi. I chose this name to honor my roots
On several occasions in my life I have experienced for myself what it is like when people do not respect your boundaries. These experiences have inspired me to develop myself in this work and to become a confidential advisor.
As a L.V.V. certified confidential adviser and advisor on undesirable behaviour, it is my passion to support people who are confronted with transgressive behavior and integrity violations. After following various specialization training courses, I am familiar with various aspects of confidential work. To increase my knowledge and to brainstorm with colleagues, I regularly participate in intervision meetings.

Thabo your confidential advisor | Moitshepi

Let me introduce myself, my name is Thabo Hollander, born in Lesotho (South Africa) At a young age I was adopted by Dutch parents and I grew up in The Netherlands. I would like to tell you a little more about myself and about Moitshepi’s confidence work. The name Moitshepi comes from the Basotho tribe, the indigenous people of Lesotho. In that tradition it is customary that when someone is dealing with a difficult situation you can turn to a confidant of the tribe. That person is called a Moitshepi. I chose this name to honor my roots
On several occasions in my life I have experienced for myself what it is like when people do not respect your boundaries. These experiences have inspired me to develop myself in this work and to become a confidential advisor.
As a L.V.V. certified confidential adviser and advisor on undesirable behaviour, it is my passion to support people who are confronted with transgressive behavior and integrity violations. After following various specialization training courses, I am familiar with various aspects of confidential work. To increase my knowledge and to brainstorm with colleagues, I regularly participate in intervision meetings.


I was confronted with sexual harassment at work and I just didn't feel safe anymore. It was quite a step for me but it was so nice to be able to tell my story. Together with Thabo, I felt strong enough to talk to my supervisor and the person who approached me inappropriately.

A.Case: sexual harassment

I was systematically bullied at work and this emotionally destroyedme to be honest. Finally sought help from the external confidential adviser. Thabo listened to me without judgment or opinion and I felt very supported.

LCase: Bullying

How I experienced work, it was basically hell... Every day I was humiliated and bullied by my immediate supervisor. After trying everything to solve this, I contacted the external confidential advisor. I am very glad I did and took this step to stand up for myself! Thank you Taboo for your support

K.Case: Humiliation / harassment

If you see something that is not right, you have to report it, but how do you do that when it comes to your boss... Stuff regularly flew through the office and the tension was unbearable. This really had to stop but no one dared to say it. The conversation with the external confidential adviser did a lot of good.

P.Case: Aggression

Where I used to enjoy going to work, I already felt stressed when I walked into the building. The cause was the behavior of some of my colleagues who apparently targeted me. My manager suggested that I contact the confidential adviser. Thabo helped me talk to the bullies.

D.Case: Bullying